Total Body Tabata Burner!

If you’ve been following my blog, you might know one of my all time favorites workouts is Tabata. It’s quick, sweaty and best of all… EFFECTIVE.43092134_10103546896393060_4248098422432727040_nAs a mom [of three], I like to make my workouts 30-40 minutes and get the most that I can from it! TabataYou may be wondering… “what is Tabata?” Or maybe you heard the word before and still are not too sure what it is.

Tabata is simple; one move, four minutes long, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Now sometimes I like to get fancy and alternate two moves in one four minute set.

Today we are going to get “fancy” and have a fun, heart-pumping workout. You will have two moves in one four minute set that you alternate. This means each move you will do a total of four times in each round.

All you need is a timer (I use a HIIT Interval Timer app on my phone) and some weights that are challenging. For myself, I used 5 & 8lbs for this routine. Be sure to warm-up and cool down for THIS and any exercise routine you perform.

Alright, let’s GO!

Total Body Tabata Routine [8 Rounds, 32* Minutes Total] 

  1. Shoulder Taps* & Mountain Climbers
  2. Double Crunch* & Russian Twists*
  3. Sit Ups & Knee In’s*
  4. Shoulder Press & Hammer Curls
  5. Skaters & Jumping Jacks
  6.  Chest Flies & Tricep Extensions
  7. Pulldown & Bicep Curls
  8. Burpees & Plank Hold

If you want to learn more about Tabata training CLICK HERE.


Exercise Cheat Sheet*

  1. Shoulder Taps: In a plank position, tap your hand to opposite shoulder
  2. Double Crunch: Reach your elbows to your knees and tap your feet back down to the floor.
  3. Russian Twists: In a sitting position, round back to your lowest point with your knees bent and twist side to side with a dumbbell; legs can be up if you can!
  4. Knee In’s: Laying on the floor, bring your knees into your chest then extend them out as low to the ground as possible!

If you have any questions on any other move, feel free to leave a comment or email me at

Third Trimester [Twin Pregnancy]

We made it to the third trimester… HOME STRETCH!20170901_224450{27 Weeks}

Weight: My pre-pregnancy weight was 155lbs, now I’m at 178lbs for a total of 23lbs gained. So far I weigh a bit less in the third trimester then I did with Samantha.

Mental Health: Zoloft has been a blessing. I have been able to think clearer and have less anxiety about becoming a mom of three [under three].

I didn’t know how my body would react to it but for me it’s a peace of mind. IMG_20170908_142332_980I can analyze things better, plus not to mention read again without having my mind racing.

Fitness: Still managing to get in 2-3 workouts a week!

My current “goal” is to do Barre 1-2 times a week (I now teach 1-2 Barre classes a week) and try to take at least 1 Pure Barre class, plus teach my Tabata class (modified for me, of course).

Barre has been awesome because it focuses somewhat on calf strength building. My leg has felt much better (plus the compression stocking is super helpful).27 weeks{29 Weeks}

Here’s what my current fitness routine looks like during the week:

  • Monday: Active Rest Day (or Pure Barre)
  • Tuesday: Pure Barre (or Active Rest Day)
  • Wednesday: Barre & Sculpt Class [I teach]
  • Thursday: Rest Day (usually go for walks with Sammy/ Supermarket)
  • Friday: HIIT or Circuit Workout
  • Saturday: Pure Barre
  • Sunday: Rest Day

I try to keep moving regardless if I don’t make it to a class or get to workout. I’m still trying to focus on eating as healthy as I can.

Food: Still craving cookies like mad!21768013_10103178192358900_6419514306492671448_nBut now with the fall upon us, the body craves pumpkin EVERYTHING. #DontJudge 😉haloRing: Still able to wear my wedding band! Some days my fingers are a tad swollen, so I’ll put on my pearl engagement ring which is a tad loser than my wedding band.

Clothing: I finally needed to get a couple of large and XL tank tops and moved into my medium sized leggings from smalls.21762826_10103169413007790_8740627558854539078_oI’m not as big as I thought it would be compared to other twin moms. That makes me feel better entering winter, clothing wise. So far my coat still zips, I’m sure that will change by next week. 😉

I can tell my energy level is going down a tiny bit each week, which I was told would happen past 28 weeks. For now, I am enjoying the energy that I do have hanging out with the family and giving Sammy that special “only child” one on one time.20170813_200252***

Twin Pregnancy Updates:

First Trimester

Second Trimester ❤ ❤

“Day In The Life” – Mommy & Toddler Edition

It’s that time of the week… “hump”day!

Many of you guys enjoyed my previous “day in the life of post with my toddler during the summer, that I decided to do a “fall edition.”

My schedule has drastically changed from then to now. I am down to working mainly two days a week. I’ll also be sharing my routine a bit more, AS WELL AS Sammy’s.


5:30am: Mommy went to workout early! I sipped some coffee after at Starbucks, did some blog work and reading.20170905_0610297:00am: Good morning Sammy 🙂

After a few minutes of “good mornings” and cuddles, it’s time for a quick diaper change. We let her run around and play for a bit before she gets her breakfast.

7:15am: Breakfast! She requested the fruit so I added half of a sprouted grain bagel w/ almond butter and milk on the side. 21427192_10103152394323370_8143052536964800754_o7:30am: Dada says goodbye and leaves for work.

7:45am: Once Sammy is done with breakfast, I get her cleaned up, her teeth brush and change her outfit depending on where we plan to head out for the day; today is an errand day!

8:00am: Independent Play. I swapped the independent and structured play; it just seemed to work better this way. [I set the stove timer for 30 minutes.]

During this time, I’ll clean the kitchen, open all the windows, make a to-do list and get myself ready for the day.window fall8:30am: Structured Activity: This can be anything; whether it’s a craft, flash cards (Dollar Tree) or stickers. As long as it’s something we are both doing together.20170912_1533409:30am: Mini Snack and Play. I cut her snack size mid-morning so she eats more lunch (it’s been helping). It’s usually a piece of fruit or some crackers. 20170912_153340I snacked on some Snapea crisps [and put the laundry in] before we headed to the supermarket; I’m obsessed!

11:45am: Lunchtime! I make sure to come back home around this time to get Sammy some lunch and some for myself too (I had a veggie burger).snacky lunchWe did a “snack-y” lunch with Late July peanut butter crackers, apple, Snapeas, raisins and a Stonyfield yogurt pouch.

12:45pm: Naptime!

During her naps, I’ll check on the laundry and get the living and bedroom cleaned up. I try to be productive for half of her nap, then get rest; either reading or watch some “DIY” YouTube videos.

2:45pm: And she’s up… she usually needs a diaper change and I’ll get her a light snack to hold her until dinner. She’ll then play or read after.

3:45pm: It was so nice out later in the day that we went to the park. Mom had a snack while the toddler played. I’ve been in love with these bars; they satisfy my cookie cravings.21370890_10103154542373660_4503748709850265844_n5:00pm: After the park, we headed back home. I washed up her hands and got her comfy. She watched Trolls for about half an hour while I got dinner ready.

5:45pm: Dinner is usually the toughest meal of the day. It’s hit or miss! 20170903_134429Today she had a couple of potato smiles, nuggets, apple slices (rest of the apple from snack she didn’t finish), carrots and raisins. Once she is done with dinner, I let her play for a bit before her bath.

6:30pm: Bath time!20170905_1729027:00pm: Quiet time begins.21751662_10103159454569580_9061532470658895494_nI’ll let her read some of her books [plus we’ll read one together] and she’ll have some warm milk. We do a quick teeth brushing after before “officially” tucking into bed.

7:45pm: Bedtime! I’ll spruce up the home then relax for the rest of the evening while I wait for Pat to come home from work. 21743327_10103159454524670_5916058923240103407_nI absolutely love my desk after de-cluttering it and jazzing it up for Fall.

11:00pmBedtime for mama… oome days I fall asleep earlier just because being pregnant with a toddler is quite exhausting!

That’s a wrap on this “day in the life of” of mommy and toddler! Her schedule* is not always perfect, but we try to have a routine of some sort to get us through the day.


*Note: we don’t follow a particular “schedule” on Mondays, Saturdays (aka family days) or Playschool days.

5-8-5-8 Circuit Workout!

Way into my second trimester [25 weeks], my energy level has gone up!

However, I can’t last as long as I use to. I like to do quick 25-30 minute workouts to get a little sweaty and keep those muscles strong. I did this workout this past week for myself then one of my classes. Everyone was sore, but the good kind of sore. 😉21077505_10103134869094070_9222126601496992949_n[‘Breathe’ Workout Tank]

All you have to do is set a timer (I use a HIIT Interval Timer App) for 5 minutes first and perform as many of the moves as many times as you can in set one. Rest for about a minute then move on to set two.

Set your timer now for 8 minutes and continue til you  complete all 4 sets for 26 minutes of total work [29 if you count the rests].

I like the app because you can make the entire workout out and don’t have to worry about keeping track of time because it will just go for you. 

Don’t forget to warm up and cool down after. If I am at the gym, I’ll do some rowing or biking for 3-5 minutes. Other wise I’ll do some squats, modified jumping jacks & plank sets to get my heart rate up!

***5858 circuit

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at!

Day of Eats: Pregnant Edition

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have seen that we are Team… “YELLOW.”20170717_155045We are having another girl and a baby boy and we couldn’t be happier! Both babies are doing well and are healthy.20170717_155043***

I don’t think I’ve shared a day of its on this blog.

For those who may remember, I use to be “Nutritiously Sweet” before I switched to Fit Coffee Mom. I did a ton of “What I Ate Wednesdays” but then once I got pregnant with Samantha, my day of eats became boring or super receptive.

Not to mention unhealthy some days... #pregnancycravings

For this day of eats, I’ll be sharing one of my work days during this pregnancy!

This post has been requested by some, so here goes nothing. 😉


Pre-breakfast:  I usually wake up pretty hungry, so I’ll have either toast or a banana to curb the hunger while I get dressed/ ready for my day.

Breakfast: It varies between Special K’s Red Berries cereal, oatmeal or Nutrigrain whole wheat waffles! 18671124_10103006128830590_2326381334240356815_nFor this day, I added a little chia, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, blackberries and splash of pure maple syrup.

Snack #1: I get pretty hungry quick no matter how big of a breakfast I have (because you know twins). I’ll usually do a serving of snap pea crisps with cheese… with coffee. 20170726_163407The baby boy in me make craves these salty things!

Lunch: Sometimes I’ll grab lunch from the cafe at work, other times I’ll do a frozen meal or leftovers. I try not to do too many frozen foods, but I do love these Healthy Choice steamers because you can control the sodium.20170728_075433The sauce is separate from the meal. I only add 1/4 of the sauce for flavor and I’ll add a little bit more rice for extra carbs/ energy.

Snack #2: Baby girl gives me those sweet cravings! 20170726_162240I’ll usually have some fruit. Lately it’s been red grapes or strawberries.

I’ll also do a couple dark chocolate truffles. #Yum 20170726_162005Dinner: I used to have dinner at work before pregnancy, but now I’ll have a “pre-dinner,” of a yogurt with half a bagel and peanut butter. 20170720_100921I don’t get home til 8:30pm and I am usually starving.

On these long work days, it something light like an eggwhite sandwich with cheese and maybe even 1/2 of a packet of Shakeology (or Vega Nutrition). 20170728_075404I’m still having a terrible time getting nutrients in from veggies, so Shakeology makes up for it! I also usually teach two classes (a barre & Tabata) so I need to refuel as many of those burned calories as I can.

Snack #3: Maybe a chocolate chip cookie [or 3] or some pretzel sticks if I’m feeling a little salty. 😉

That wraps of this post of a pregnancy day of eats! You can see there isn’t too much meat or veggies as I am working my way to get those in.

Eating 5-6 small meals during the day helps to keep the hunger at bay, especially with two little ones hogging my nutrients!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! 🙂

Friday Fitness: Let’s Get Summer Ready!

This workout will whip you into summer shape FAST. 😉

Well… maybe not exactly fast, but it will help you tone up those arms [for tank tops], core and legs [for short shorts!].

You can do this workout 2 times a week. Mix it into your current routine, add some cardio (30-45mins) and you’re good to go! 19437551_10103052791657910_4590634281699881523_n.jpgThis workout is safe to do while you are pregnant [as always, please contact your doctor first before starting any new workout regimen].

I wear THIS belly band for extra support (makes a huge difference, trust me).

You can always shoot me a message to learn more about my personalized coaching programs HERE!


*Keep an eye on repetition counts for the exercises in each round. Rest for one minute between each round. Be sure to warm up and cool down!

Blue Apron Meals

A month ago I decided to try out Blue Apron.

With all my pregnancy cravings, meals have become tough and super indecisive on my end. I browsed through the upcoming weeks (you can skip weeks you don’t like) and found one that sparked my interest!20170627_122315I found a deal (there is always one on their site) and only paid $29.99 for my first week. Now some weeks had some delicious looking pizzas, but I didn’t want to spend the money on pizza – I wanted to get all the meat!20170627_122545If you don’t already know, Blue Apron is a meal delivery service that comes in meals for 2 or 4.

The base is 3 meals per week, but you can add more for an extra cost. They also have wine you can purchase and provide a suggestion on each meal card.

The first one I tried was the soy marinated chicken thighs. Chinese food has been a big craving this time around during pregnancy so this meal was perfect. Unfortunately veggies is no on my top list for dinner (only lunch, so I saved it). 20170627_163253We had this meal without the veggies (though I added some snap peaces for a crunch) and topped the chicken over Jasmine rice.

I was worried that it was going to have too much “spice,” but it was seriously delicious! Definitely not a combination of spices and such I would have thought of.19657047_10103063655446790_5126684735565972270_nThe second one, the honey glazed chicken breasts. Again this one I tweaked but oh my gosh it was the one of the best chicken breasts I’ve cooked. I didn’t know a little honey and vinegar would bring out so much flavor.19732334_10103063650516670_7261793852661452978_nI served this over a rice pilaf mixed that I had made the night before (saved the Blue Apron side for another day) and a small garden salad. Seriously hit the spot and I’ll definitely be making this again.19247588_10103063655751180_4091737962622397908_nThe honey mustard pork chops were pretty juicy (according to the hubs, he had both), but the flavor wasn’t all there. I definitely think this dish should have been pre-marinated as oppose to making a pan glaze.506477-blue-apronAll in all, I did enjoy trying out some new flavor/ spice combinations that I would have never tried. The portions are pretty small (and calorie dense in my opinion for the size). I sent my sister-in-law a Hello Fresh week, and the meals looked fantastic.

Blue Apron seems a little more upscale, so it you are someone who likes high-end quality food, this is something worth a try.

I find that it is pricey and not enough food for the regular price of $59.94 per week. Our groceries are about $60 per week (for the THREE of us), so this exceeds our budget for food. But it was still a fun experience; with a coupon deal of course. 😉

Question: Have you ever tried a meal delivery service before like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh?

Second Trimester [Twin Pregnancy]

We officially hit the second trimester almost a month ago!20170705_133905{15 Weeks}

Let me tell you… it gets better for 2-3 days then goes back to be horrible (like 10x’s worse) for a day or two. Since this pretty much is the pattern, I’ve begun to take advantage of those good days.

Weight: I’m back at my “pre-pregnancy weight” of 155lbs as I lost 3lbs during the 1st trimester. It’s coming back slowly.

Fitness: I am managing to get in 3-4 workouts a week! Whoohoo 😀19656920_10103063585252460_9171077219010165045_n{17 Weeks}

My goal is to do Barre 1-2 times a week [as I teach 3 Barre classes a week] and try to take 1 Pure Barre class, plus take an Orangetheory Fitness (OTF) if I can. Since I am a coach at OTF, I can browse the workouts before hand and see if it’s something I can do. I stick to the arm/ leg days and avoid any cardio or ab moves.

[Note: Everything is modifiable but since I am higher risk, I like to take that extra precaution for my own sake.]

Here’s what my current fitness routine looks like during the week:

  • Monday: Pure Barre
  • Tuesday: Rest Day
  • Wednesday: HIIT Workout
  • Thursday: Active Rest Day (usually go for walks with Sammy)
  • Friday: Strength Training
  • Saturday: Pure Barre (or Active Rest Day)
  • Sunday: Active Rest Day

I’ve been really trying to keep moving regardless if I don’t make it to a class or get to workout. I’m still trying to focus on eating as healthy as I can. I’ve been able to tolerate smoothies and yogurt now to get some nutrition and protein boost.19732046_10103063650880940_7632903007232961297_nFood: The past few weeks, I’ve been craving Chinese, fried chicken and cookies. It’s hard to avoid the “bad ones” especially when you don’t feel like cooking (not to mention we have a Chinese place across the street).

Coffee I can tolerate here and there, but I only do decaf as I still drink caffeine’d up water to get my fix in the morning. Right now I’m loving this one from Crystal Light’s Pure Energy line (has 120mg of caffeine per packet).19756436_10103063650736230_3156185344074923543_nI know, I know not the “best” thing to drink but it’s better then puking from a migraine or having to take tons of Tylenol all day. I pick my battles and poisons to survive; especially trying to survive a twin pregnancy… with a toddler!19875197_10103063651414870_8432401408185514942_nHere’s to surviving the rest of the summer heat!😀

Resistance Band Workout [Tabata Style]

Nausea has taken the best of me like I mentioned last week.

If I’m home for the day, I am good to workout after 11:00am once my nausea has subsided. My daughter usually naps by noon, so it’s a perfect time to get a quick sweat sesh in!

I never really used the resistance band for an ENTIRE workout, but I wanted to do something different for my Tabata routine. I have it at home, so might as well use it!

I like to use “A HIIT Interval Timer” from the app store for timing.

Tabata is simply an interval training workout that has 20 seconds of “work” and 10 seconds of “rest” for 4 minutes each round. I like to do EIGHT rounds; totaling 32 minutes.

I use my stationary bike at home to warm-up for about FIVE minutes, then I get that timer going.  Click HERE and HERE to see some pictures of the moves I mention below with the resistance band.

Note: For the exercises with an * next to them, just take the band and wrap it around the top hinge of your door as is in the picture below.18881717_10103008813525440_3287958496224982322_nHere’s the resistance band routine that I just have to share with y’all:

Resistance Band Tabata [8 Rounds, 32** Minutes Total] 

  1. Sumo Squat*
  2. Jump Squat [hold on to the bands as pictured and jump]*
  3. Upright Row
  4. Bicep Curls
  5. Jumping Lunges [hold on to the bands and alternate each leg, option to just down alternating reverse lunges]*
  6. Sumo Squat w/ Overhead Press
  7. Sumo Squat w/ Low Row [as pictured]*
  8. Deadlift

**For more information on my fitness routine/ coaching click here.

Currently: Health & Fitness (1st Trimester)

20170517_135316First trimester… second time around is 100 times worse. Know why? Because there are TWO of them!

“Hey mom, you know there’s two on here right?”20170517_133526I think I was nauseous and fatigued from about 3 weeks (if I had to guess). At 6 weeks, my morning sickness was through the roof, my migraines have been killing me and I have been so much more tired. I dealt with morning sickness and migraines with Samantha but it didn’t really hit til about 9-10 weeks.

I also started “showing” a bit at about 6 weeks and I was having a hard time “sucking it in” at work. But now knowing that there are twins, explains why everything was happening so much sooner.20170518_105417My fitness routine, has drastically changed sooner then when I was pregnant with Sammy. I’ve just been trying to walk and move whenever I can (aka active rest day). Squats and jumping are extremely uncomfortable sooner this time (took be about 24+ weeks last time).

My goal is to do Barre 1-3 times a week [as I teach 3 Barre classes a week] and try to take 1 Pure Barre class on my own, plus take an Orangetheory Fitness when I can.

Here’s what my current fitness routine looks like during the week:

  • Monday: OTF
  • Tuesday: Rest Day
  • Wednesday: Barre Class
  • Thursday: Active Rest Day
  • Friday: Strength Training Day
  • Saturday: Cardio Barre it’s been more of a miss then hit!
  • Sunday: Active Rest Day

It hasn’t been perfect one bit. I’m lucky if I get 2 workouts in a week, but I really try to keep moving regardless. Things are going to come up or happen, especially being pregnant with twins and having a toddler.

I’m learning not to stress too much with this pregnancy.  I’m trying to focus on eating as healthy as I can and try not to get down too much if I miss the gym due to nausea or migraines. I know hope that in a year my body will start to get back to normal.IMG_20170518_083425_485I was craving green beans for the longest but now all I want is bagels, cereal & Cheez-it’s (which I haven’t eaten since junior high school). Coffee was the first thing to go. I really haven’t drank coffee since our “honeymoon-ish.”

Sonic neuro mid-morning has replaced my caffeine if I really need it. Since it’s 100mg, that all I’d do, since “recommended” during pregnancy is less than 200mg or 2 cups of coffee.20170524_083651We are very excited and nervous all at once. This is going to be quite to experience, especially already having a toddler on hand. Hoping to get Sammy potty trained before the winter (no pressure, of course), that would just be a huge help on diaper costs.

Here’s to the next SEVEN months! 😀

Question: Any twin moms out there? What’s your best piece of advice?