This Week In Adventures

I haven’t posted a throwback Thursday in a while. Even though post surgery I gained almost 10lbs I look back at these old photos and realize how far I have come in the past 8years (currently 163lbs). I was almost at my heaviest weight (240lbs) in this picture (220lbs). I have to remind myself that a healthy lifestyle is just that; a lifestyle.

It’s a journey that is never ending and there are going to be ups and downs. As long as you use those downs for fuel to keep your head up, that’s all that matters.


The guy is something special. The manfriend and I went to Boston to just hang around town. No agenda, just relaxation.Boston is such a beautiful town.My brother also took me to lunch at PF Chang’s this week.Plenty of Starbucks was also involved.Tomorrow is the AAAI/ISMA cycling conference!

I am super exited to be with my AAAI/ISMA family for another weekend of fitnes and fun. My brother, the manfriend and I are also off to New York again this Sunday for a Yankee game. Can’t wait to spend time with the family again and the puppy!

Have a great weekend everyone!

WIAW #86: Day In The Life of Body Builder In Training

By no means am I perfect.

I am learning and trying to rid my body of the things I “shouldn’t” eat and I emphasize those quotations. For this WIAW (thanks Jenn!), I am going to show you a day in the life of my eats as a body builder in training. I try to be very on point, but I won’t deprive myself. Remember, this is a journey, not a ending.wiawphotobutton

Breakfast: I normally start my day this; 1/2 cup of oats mixed with 1/2 cup of water, dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon or two of soynut butter. I also add some flax and bran if I am feeling extra hungry, since I prep my oats overnight. Snack #1: This will usually be an apple with 2 teaspoons of nut butter as well as sometimes a “pre-workout” snack depending when I am going to the gym.Lunch: Lunch is going to be some form of veggies and chicken. Normally it’s baked chicken and green beans (sometimes broccoli)Snack #2: Greek  yogurt with a tsp of nut butter, 1/4 of a protein bar (like Quest, Luna protein or Kind bar), and some flax/bran mixture. Again, depending if I am going to workout before, this is another good “pre-workout” meal option.

Or sometimes, if I am around the mall (like yesterday) I will grab a Quest bar. I tried the new cookies and cream flavor and it was delish!

 “Post workout:” Protein Coffee! This is my current go to “post-workout.” I try to have a two to one ratio of carbs to protein and most of the sugars will come from something fast for good ole’ muscle recovery.

It’s 1 cup of coffee, 1-2 tablespoons of protein powder (lately I have been using Sun Warrior and I quite like it!), 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 1 sugar in the raw packet (or Stevia) and a 1/2 cup mixture of soy/ cow’s milk for different types of protein sources. Dinner: Same as lunch but sometimes I will add carbs soley because I work overnights and need those extra carbs to sustain myself during my shift!

Snack #3: Usually varies between #1 and #2, depending if I am working, I’ll have more protein if I am not working overnight. Or if I do a double workout (which is two to three times a week).Question: Have you tried the new Quest cookies n’ cream bar? What did ya think if you did?!

It Doesn’t Get Easier

In fact, things get harder.

Don’t get me wrong, I love growing up; you become wiser and have a different outlook on life. You begin to see what’s important and cherish the little things.

But sometimes, life just hits you and you just don’t know what to do. It sort of consumes you, to say the least. This week I haven’t dealt with my problems in the best manner, but I am trying to say the least. The best thing to do is to maintain a smile.And be grateful for those little things in life; like family. We made some awesome Angus beef burgers on Thursday. I whipped up homemade pizza for my brother on Friday.And my brother cooked a yummy Saturday din din.Or some delicious protein pancakes on a Sunday morning; works every time.Or maybe even a froyo date with the bro?And coffee, gotta be thankful for that!This week should be a bit better for me. I hope it is and I hope everyone has an awesome week! Oh and for those back in school? Study hard my friends!

WIAW# 51: Same Ole, Same Ole

Happy What I Ate Wednesday ya’ll!

Yesterday I was in Baltimore, Maryland. It was such a blast, but we’ll talk more about that tomorrow. 20130521_155810Today another Wednesday is here and it’s time to show you some eats, right? This week I am going to show you meals that have made my tummy happy; no acid/ bile build up and no pregnant look. Yes, no more of that please and if you don’t know what WIAW is, go check out Peas and Crayons.wiawphotobuttonBreakfasts have pretty much been the same, this breakfast cake with some type of nuts/ seeds or fruit on top. On of my favorite for this week? The cake with sunflower seeds, almonds, milk and fresh blueberries.20130515_092035Just like last time, my snacks have been some type of fruit and nuts. I am getting tired of pears so I’ve been doing blackberries, bananas and even peaches.20130522_081239Lunches and dinners have been the same too. Since I found what foods work for my stomach, it makes me so happy. It gets boring at times but I try and do what I can. 292015_659391720741058_1173831911_nI found this yogurt at one of the local supermarkets here in the Bronx and this was the only one that didn’t have corn starch in it. It was pretty delicious I just wish I found a vanilla flavor.20130517_212706I’ve been digging this combo of black beans on top of chicken with some greens. My, oh my.20130516_110832Dessert? Well to be honest coffee, a banana or nuts have been my dessert as of late. Since I can’t really workout to the best of my ability due to my arm, I have to get more strict with food. And it feels great!969709_660563867290510_1730698749_nQuestion: Have you ever tried Silk soy yogurt? Ever had something “non-traditional” for dessert? I have to say have oatmeal for dessert one day was quite bizarre for this chocolate loving young lady.

Meal Planning: Week of September 22nd

Meal planning is going to be a bit different from now on. I found an awesome meal planning template from Microsoft Office. It’s way easier then just putting what foods I am going to have for each meal. I like that I can just go back and modify it at anytime as well.

And so you know, you can see below why it starts on the 22nd. I’m not slow, I know my dates. Here are what my eats look like for the week (*click image to view clearer).What’s with the blank box for this Friday? Well it kind of depends on what I have left from the week. It will just be a mash of left overs. You will notice that some days have less total calories then others. The reason for this is, I always end up have an extra snack that’s 200-300 calories.

This will fit perfect with maintain weight calories, which is 1700-1900 depending on my activity level. Some days I do intense cardio, others I do yoga and some days I just rest. You need to have at least one rest day to let your body recover. My rest days are Wednesday and Saturday.

That’s all to report for this morning. Dessert last night was heavenly; vanilla soymilk with a dark chocolate coconut almond butter cookie. You have to try them!Have a great work/school/etc. week 🙂

WIAW #20: Too Predictable

Happy WIAW! This What I Ate Wednesday is all about me being “too predictable.” I have fallen in a little rut when it comes to my meals. Lately, I have just been to busy to try to invent new things. But fear not, very soon I shall. If you are new to the WIAW party, check it out over at Peas and Crayons!Breakfast: Maple Almond Butter “Muffin Top.” I can’t help it. I made another batch and added an extra tablespoon of almond butter. It tastes even more amazing. I don’t know when I am going to stop eating this. Oh, perhaps when my almond butter runs out.Snack: Banana (and Almonds)… everybody likes bananas. I think.Lunch: Turkey Burger with Baked Potato (1/2) and Broccoli. Simple and yummy.Snack: Nature’s Path Pumpkin N’ Spice Bar. This bar had a little more protein then the others. I wanted to save money and not buy Luna bars constantly ($1.00 a piece). This box of 6 was $3.99 and each comes out to $0.67 each. The taste? Delicious and fall-y!Dinner: Grilled Chicken with Broccoli, Black Beans and Brown Rice. As the temperature decreases, I am wanting more hearty and filling meals. This dish is quick, simple and very tastyDessert? Ahh, you guessed it. Chocolate Almond Butter Mousse! I’m really working on making a mousse that is solely almond butter (no chocolate added). But for now, I must enjoy the almond chocolate goodness.Question: Are you too predictable lately in your eats? I know I am!

[Not A] Fun Finds Friday

This week has been [yet another] crazy week. Between moving, starting school and starting my new work schedule, I haven’t had time to think. But now that class has started (and the teacher seems awesome by the way) and I am slowly getting use to my work schedule (I do split shifts with a four hour gap in between) I am finally able to relax a bit.I finished moving all my stuff into the new room. It may look a bit different then the previous picture and well, that’s because it is. I found a better living situation (and cheaper if I may add) and it accepts kitties! I’m going to let my parentals hang with Mr. Herc for a while until I reclaim him, hehe.So that’s the room and my favorite part is all the flower pictures; some are mine, some were already there. It’s nice, cozy and great atmosphere. I am still in Salem, just on a different side. It’s quiet, which means a better mood for studying.Yesterday the crisp fall air was upon on. I took no time to whip out my favorite fall work outfit. And yes, my hair is growing longer. Never again will I let the crazy hairdresser cut it so short again. Ever.I even had a nice warm lunch that consisted of tomato basil soup with Wasa sourdough bread crackers (only has a “may contain traces of wheat” warning, which is a-ok for me) topped with melted butter, garlic and basil.Snack? Well I suppose it’s the only find for the week. I found these protein fit bars by South Beach Diet when I was in New York last time. I notice that it only has a couple of corn derivatives, but I decided to give them a try since Odwalla and Luna Bars don’t bother me (except certain ones).I must say, it was really yummy and kept me full. It has 9 grams of protein for 130 calories (versus Luna Bars are 9 grams of protein for 170-190 calories). But, it did make my tummy unhappy. I shall not purchase them again for that reason, but I would definitely recommend giving them a try if you spot them!Dinner last night was also delicious. I showed this meal in my last What I Ate Wednesday post. Black beans, green beans and a chicken burger patty. It’s just so clean, hearty and filling; lots of protein and fiber.Tonight, I am going to relax and enjoy some Netflix. Tomorrow is work then some homework, weekly cooking (and meal planning), gym, and more me time. I don’t take me time too often, but when I do I quite enjoy it.

Happy Weekend 🙂

Meal Planning: Week of September 10th

I haven’t done one of these in a week or so. This week I do have a meal planning Monday for you with different foods. The fall season in upon us and my food preference change to more “hearty and comforting.”

This will probably be the food line up for a couple of weeks due to the fact that I bought food for two weeks (except random fruits or veggies). Pretty self explanatory, no?

Breakfast: Van’s GF Waffles w/ Almond Butter & Berries or Maple Almond Butter “Muffin Top” w/ Almond Butter & Roasted AlmondsLunch: Turkey, Mozzarella and Spinach Wrap or Tomato Basil Soup w/ Crackers and Mozzarella CheeseDinner: Chicken w/ Black Beans, Broccoli and Brown Rice or Turkey Burger Patty w/ Steamed Brussel Sprouts and Baked PotatoSnacks:
Vanilla Yogurt
Luna Vanilla Almond Bar
Almonds & Light String Cheese
Bananas, Oranges or Apples
Dark Chocolate